
Professor Joshua Elias Awarded Keck Foundation Grant

Chemical and Systems Biology’s own Dr. Josh Elias has been awarded a prestigious 2013 Keck Medical Research Award from the Keck Foundation for his proposed work with Mass Spectrometry-based peptide analysis and sequencing to search in a new direction for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

The W.M. Keck Foundation was founded with the goal of generating far-reaching benefits for humanity. The Foundation supports outstanding science, engineering and medical research, undergraduate education; and, in Southern California, arts and culture, education, health and community service projects that will have a significant impact in addressing complex issues and problems.

The Foundation strives to funds endeavors that are distinctive and novel in their approach. IF encourages projects that are high-risk with potential for transformative impact. “High-risk” comprises a number of factors, including questions that push the edge of the field, present unconventional approaches to intractable problems, or challenge the prevailing paradigm.

The Science and Engineering and Medical Research Program supports pioneering discoveries by funding the high-risk/high-impact work of leading researchers, thus laying the groundwork for new paradigms, technologies and discoveries that will save lives, provide innovative solutions, and add to our understanding of the world.

To read more about Dr. Elias’ proposed research, please visit the W.M. Keck Foundation.